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Days Turn Into Weeks: This Abandoned Cat Still Waits By the Door

Days Turn Into Weeks: This Abandoned Cat Still Waits By the Door

A sweet gray and white cat named Fortune wasn’t always living the good life. One day, she showed up in a New York City building, looking scared and alone. The tenants thought she might belong to someone nearby, but sadly, that wasn’t the case.

For days, Fortune stayed in the same spot, hoping her owner would come back for her. But as time passed, it became clear that she was all alone. Luckily, a kind-hearted neighbor noticed her distress and decided to help.

A Helping Hand and a New Beginning

Seeing the frightened feline, the neighbor knew Fortune needed a hero. They reached out to Little Wanderers NYC, a rescue organization dedicated to helping lost and abandoned animals.

When the rescuers arrived, they gently approached Fortune, scooped her up, and took her to safety. They could tell she’d been through a lot. “She was cold and hungry,” Little Wanderers shared. “She tried to stay warm by huddling under a radiator, but it wasn’t enough.”

From Shy Kitty to Purrfectly Happy

At the rescue center, Fortune finally had everything she needed – a warm place to sleep, plenty of delicious food and water, and most importantly, lots of love and attention.

As soon as she felt safe and secure, Fortune’s personality blossomed. The once shy kitty started to come out of her shell. She became a purring machine, grateful for this new chance at happiness.

A Foster Family Filled with Love

The rescue team realized Fortune was already a social butterfly. She didn’t need any additional training to become a wonderful companion. So, they placed her with a loving foster family.

Fortune quickly made herself at home. She loved rolling on the warm floor, playfully kneading her paws (“making biscuits” in cat lingo!), and purring with contentment. When she wasn’t busy with these activities, she’d nudge her foster parents for belly rubs, making up for all the affection she missed while alone.

A Microchip Mystery

A vet check revealed that Fortune had a microchip, which usually helps reunite lost pets with their owners. Unfortunately, in this case, the chip information led nowhere.

Despite this setback, Fortune never lost her loving spirit. She remained a sweet and affectionate kitty, simply desiring a warm place to call home.

Finding Her Furever Home

The team at Little Wanderers NYC is hopeful that Fortune will soon find the perfect forever family. They describe her as a “beginner cat,” meaning she’s easygoing and doesn’t require a lot of experience from her adopter.

“If you’ve been looking for your very own cuddly companion,” they say, “Fortune is the one for you! She’ll bring you good fortune, just like a fortune cookie!”

We all hope that this amazing cat will find the loving home she deserves. She’s certainly come a long way from her scared and lonely days, and she’s ready to shower her future family with purrs and cuddles.

For More: Cat & Kitten

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