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Luxury Tiny House: A Tour of Modern Comfort In 90 Square Meters

Luxury Tiny House: A Tour of Modern Comfort In 90 Square Meters

Luxury tiny houses might seem like an oxymoron, but a growing trend is proving otherwise. These innovative dwellings combine minimalism and functionality to create a surprisingly spacious and stylish living experience.


Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they also offer a more affordable path to homeownership. Today, we’re taking you on a captivating tour of a luxurious 90-square-meter tiny house that redefines what it means to live small and live well.

Modern Exterior Meets Nature’s Embrace

The first impression is a lasting one, and the exterior of this luxury tiny house does not disappoint. It boasts a modern aesthetic, characterized by clean lines and minimal details. Natural materials like wood play a starring role, creating a sense of warmth and harmony with the surrounding environment.


Large glass windows not only bathe the interior in natural light but also blur the lines between indoors and outdoors, inviting the beauty of nature into the living space. Flat roofs add a contemporary touch, completing the stylish and sophisticated look.

Living Large in a Small Space

Step inside, and prepare to be surprised. Despite its compact size, the interior feels surprisingly spacious and airy. The open floor plan is key here, allowing natural light to flow freely throughout the entire space and creating a sense of openness.

Minimalist furniture and a neutral color palette further enhance the feeling of spaciousness, fostering a peaceful and serene atmosphere.


One of the hallmarks of a well-designed luxury tiny house is the clever utilization of space. This tiny house is no exception. High ceilings create a sense of vertical space, while strategically placed built-in shelves, cabinets, and ottomans with hidden storage ensure everything has its designated spot.

This eliminates clutter and maximizes functionality, allowing you to have everything you need for comfortable living within the 90-square-meter footprint.


Dining with Flexibility

The heart of any home is often the dining area, and this luxury tiny house doesn’t disappoint. A beautiful rustic wood dining table sits nestled in the open living space, perfectly complementing the overall theme.

Luxury tiny house


This versatile piece of furniture can be used for casual family meals or easily transformed into a more formal dining setting when needed. Perhaps you can envision intimate dinners illuminated by fairy lights, or cozy board game nights with friends – the possibilities are endless.

Bedrooms: Tranquility Awaits

The bedrooms in this luxury tiny house are designed to provide a haven of peace and relaxation. Soothing color palettes, like calming shades of blue or green, create a calming atmosphere, while comfortable beds promise a restful night’s sleep.

Luxury tiny house


But the true magic lies in the connection with nature. Each window acts as a living painting, showcasing the beauty of the outdoors and offering a unique opportunity to stargaze while drifting off to sleep.

Imagine waking up to the gentle sounds of nature or falling asleep under a blanket of stars – a far cry from the hustle and bustle of city life.

A Spa-Like Bathroom for Everyday Luxury

Who says a tiny house can’t have a luxurious bathroom? This one proves otherwise. The bathroom boasts a spa-like design that perfectly blends luxury with functionality.

Luxury tiny house


A spacious walk-in shower with a rainfall showerhead provides ample room to unwind, while modern fixtures like sleek faucets and a vessel sink add a touch of sophistication.

Natural stone accents and the neutral color palette further contribute to the relaxing spa environment, making every shower feel like a mini-retreat.

Explore more: House & Design

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