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Cattitude at the Coffee Shop: Couple Finds Furever Friend at Starbucks Drive-Thru

Cattitude at the Coffee Shop: Couple Finds Furever Friend at Starbucks Drive-Thru

Imagine this: You’re starting your day with a routine caffeine run at Starbucks. But instead of just grabbing your usual latte, you end up driving away with a cuddly new companion. That’s exactly what happened to Ryan and Kate, animal lovers with a heart of gold.

Ryan and Kate were on a road trip, yearning for some good coffee. As they waited in line at the Starbucks drive-thru, they spotted a woman rushing by with a tiny ball of fur tucked in her arms. Curiosity got the better of Ryan, and he rolled down the window to ask about the kitten.

The flustered woman explained that she had just found the kitten but couldn’t keep it. Caring for a helpless creature wasn’t something she was prepared for.

Thankfully, fate intervened in the form of Ryan and Kate, who are devoted animal companions themselves. Without a beat, Ryan offered to take the kitten, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Even though Ryan hadn’t looked after such a young kitten before, his gentle nature shone through. After all, with two cats back home, he and Kate weren’t exactly feline novices. Ryan quickly fell head over heels for the little newcomer, saying:

“We just couldn’t leave her there. She’s so small and helpless.”


After their road trip adventures, they brought the kitten back to their place, introducing her to her new forever home.

For Ryan, adopting the kitten, whom they named Clover, felt like the most natural thing to do. He explained his feelings:

“It just felt like fate that we were there at that exact moment. Clover needed a home, and we needed some more purrs in our lives.”

Their heartwarming rescue story, shared on TikTok, went viral. Many people applauded Ryan’s kindness, with one commenter pointing out his sweet and caring personality. Kate completely agreed, adding:

“He’s a big softie, especially when it comes to animals.”

The story resonated with many, particularly those touched by the sight of a grown man showering a tiny kitten with so much love. Some viewers even admitted to shedding a tear or two.

If Ryan and Kate hadn’t decided to grab that cup of coffee at Starbucks that day, their paths would have never crossed with Clover’s. It was a stroke of luck for both of them. Clover, true to her name, turned out to be their lucky charm!

Before you head out, check out the video Ryan and Kate posted about Clover’s rescue journey on TikTok. And if you can’t get enough of this adorable kitten, be sure to follow their profile for more heartwarming updates.

For More: Cat & Kitten

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