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A Texas Cat’s Story: Cat Found Stuck On Highway Overpass Embarks On A Heartwarming Journey Home

A Texas Cat’s Story: Cat Found Stuck On Highway Overpass Embarks On A Heartwarming Journey Home

Cats love to climb, but sometimes those climbs lead to unexpected adventures! That’s exactly what happened to Oliver, a brave orange tabby in San Antonio, Texas.

One day, animal rescuers got a call about a cat stuck way up high – on the ledge of a highway overpass! Yikes! They knew they had to act fast, but also very carefully so as not to scare Oliver and make him jump.

The shelter shared on their Facebook page: “The cat was perched on a very narrow ledge, so our officers approached with extreme care to avoid spooking him.”

Oliver, not surprisingly, wasn’t too thrilled about strangers coming near. He hissed and gave them some serious side-eye.

But these amazing rescuers wouldn’t give up! They understood Oliver’s fear and gave him plenty of space. Slowly and calmly, they talked to him in soothing voices and made gentle movements to gain his trust.

Finally, Oliver felt safe enough to relax. He stopped hissing and let the rescuers get close enough to scoop him up to safety.

This wasn’t the end of the adventure though. Oliver, who they nicknamed “Bridges” for his precarious perch, needed medical attention. Who knows how long he’d been up there without food or water!

Worried but hopeful, the rescuers took Bridges to the vet. Thankfully, besides a bit of a cold, he was okay! They brought him back to the shelter where he could finally get some rest and a delicious meal.

“Bridges was starving!” the shelter shared. “He gobbled up his food and water, but he does have a little bit of a cold.

But other than that, he seems to be doing great! He’s resting comfortably and is even available for adoption (though we hope his real family finds him soon!)”

And guess what? Bridges’ real family did find him! It turned out he wasn’t a stray at all, but a beloved missing cat named Oliver.


His family had been searching everywhere for him when they saw the shelter’s post about Bridges. They rushed to the shelter, hearts pounding with hope.

The moment they called Oliver’s name, their faces lit up! Oliver, recognizing his family’s voices, rushed over for a cuddle. It was a heartwarming reunion everyone at the shelter will never forget.

“They were so happy to see Oliver!” the shelter shared in an update. “They almost cried when he came running to them when they called his name!”


Oliver was finally back where he belonged, snuggled safely in his family’s arms. The shelter staff couldn’t have been happier to play a part in bringing him home.

For More: Cat & Kitten

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