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Trucker Mike Found Kitten All Alone, Now They’re Best Buddies on the Road!

Trucker Mike Found Kitten All Alone, Now They’re Best Buddies on the Road!

Mike, a trucker with a heart of gold, used to travel with his two doggos. But when his furry friends got older, they preferred staying at home. Mike wasn’t alone though, because he and his wife cared for a bunch of stray cats at their place in Bear Creek.


One day, Mike found a tiny kitten named Bobby who had been abandoned by his mama cat. Sadly, Bobby was all alone, the only survivor in his litter. Mike knew he couldn’t leave the little guy behind, so he took him in and nursed him back to health.

Soon, Bobby was all better and strong enough to join Mike on his trucking adventures! Bobby loved climbing onto Mike’s shoulders, playing with toys, and chilling on the truck’s dashboard. Mike even made sure Bobby had everything he needed on the road, including a cozy litter box and plenty of fun toys.

Even though Mike used to say he wasn’t a big cat person, Bobby changed everything. They became the best of friends! People online loved watching their travel videos on TikTok, and their adventures gained millions of views.

Bobby wasn’t just a fun travel companion, he also helped Mike with his heart problems. Mike said that Bobby brought him more joy than any medicine ever could.

Sadly, Bobby got sick with a respiratory illness and didn’t make it. Mike was heartbroken. To remember his furry friend, Mike donated money to the Colbert County Animal Shelter in Bobby’s name.

Fans of Mike and Bobby were also really sad, but a new source of joy came along. A children’s book called “Old Trucker and Bobby” was written about their adventures, and all the money from the book sales went to help animals at the shelter!

Around the same time Bobby passed away, one of the stray cats Mike cared for had three adorable ginger kittens. Mike named them Butterball, Popeye, and Lulu. He felt like these three little friends were meant to be, arriving just when he needed them most.

Mike’s followers loved seeing the three amigos on the road with him. When they were all grown up, Mike found loving homes for Lulu and Butterball, but Popeye stayed on as Mike’s permanent co-pilot. They all live happily together now, enjoying their retirement at home with Mike’s wife and their two doggos.

For More: Cat & Kitten