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The Story a Man Saves Scared Kitten From Bus Engine

The Story a Man Saves Scared Kitten From Bus Engine

One evening, Mateo was walking home when he heard faint meows. Curiosity tugged at him, and following the sound, he found himself at a parked bus.

“The meows came from inside the engine compartment,” he remembers. “It was dark, but they sounded scared.”

Without hesitation, Mateo knew he had to help. He rushed to a nearby store, grabbed some cat food, and tried to lure the kitten out, but the little ball of fur was too terrified to budge.

Credit: Reddit

Determined, Mateo left a trail of food and decided to return later, hoping the quieter atmosphere would calm the scared kitten.

Bingo! When he came back, some of the food was gone. He donned gloves, settled in patiently, and waited.

“For about three hours, I waited with new food, hoping he’d come out,” Mateo explains.

Finally, after a marathon of treats and unwavering patience, the rescue mission was a success! Mateo scooped up the kitten, who trembled and meowed nervously all the way home.

Credit: Reddit

At Mateo’s place, the kitten was placed in a comfy bathroom with a towel, food, water, and some much-needed peace and quiet. Though initially scared, the little one slowly began to relax, realizing he was safe.

Knowing the kitten needed medical attention, Mateo turned to the online community for advice. “People offered incredible help,” he shares. “I took him to the vet, who gave him a thorough check-up and explained everything. They even showed me how to care for him properly.”

Credit: Reddit

Back home, Mateo created a safe haven for the kitten, patiently waiting for him to initiate contact and build trust.

“I sat beside him, letting him decide when he was ready,” Mateo explains. “The moment he curled up next to me was when he knew he was safe.”

Credit: Reddit

Despite his initial shyness, the kitten craved affection. Mateo showered him with love and attention, and the little guy blossomed. His eyes cleared up, and he gained healthy weight.

With his ginger fur and playful personality, Mateo couldn’t resist the little charmer. He named him Cal, inspired by a character from Star Wars.

Credit: Reddit

Cal, as it turned out, was a curious and energetic kitty. Mateo couldn’t be happier to have him as a companion.

“I even set up a camera to watch him while I’m at work,” Mateo smiles. “He mostly sleeps until I return home. When I open the door, he starts meowing until I join him. He then jumps on my lap and purrs himself to sleep.”

Credit: Reddit

“Cal has changed my life,” Mateo beams. “The joy of hearing his meow when I walk in the door is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. He’s definitely staying forever.”

Credit: Reddit

This story reminds us that sometimes, the most ordinary day can take an extraordinary turn. One minute you’re walking home, the next, you’re rescuing a scared kitten and gaining a furry friend for life.

Credit: Reddit
Credit: Reddit
Credit: Reddit

For More: Cat & Kitten