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The Nook On The Hill Is Not Your Average Small Tiny Home

The Nook On The Hill Is Not Your Average Small Tiny Home

The use of solar panels suggests that the small tiny home is designed to be sustainable and energy-efficient. Tiny houses are becoming increasingly popular as a way to live more simply and reduce one’s environmental impact. This particular tiny house seems to take that concept a step further by incorporating solar energy.


The Enchanting Exterior of the Nook on the Hill

Nestled amongst the rolling hills and lush greenery is the Nook on the Hill, a handcrafted tiny house that lives up to its name. The exterior of the house is a charming combination of rustic and modern design elements.

The vertical wooden siding, painted a warm brown, gives the house a classic cabin feel. The horizontal bands of windows break up the facade and allow natural light to flood the interior. The windows also feature black frames, adding a touch of modern contrast.


A key feature of the exterior is the roof. Clad in metal and topped with solar panels, the roof is both stylish and sustainable. The solar panels hint at the eco-conscious design of the house, while the metal roof adds a touch of industrial chic.

The front door is another interesting detail. Painted a bright red, the door pops against the brown siding and adds a touch of whimsy. A small porch with a wooden railing completes the look, providing a spot to relax and take in the beautiful surroundings.

The Kitchen: Culinary Delights and Smart Design

The galley kitchen layout is a popular choice for tiny houses because it maximizes counter and storage space. In a galley kitchen, the counters and cabinets are on two opposing walls, with a walkway in between. This layout is efficient and allows two people to cook in the kitchen at once.


Smart storage solutions are essential in a tiny house kitchen. The Nook on the Hill likely has cabinets that reach up to the ceiling to provide as much storage space as possible. Open shelving is another space-saving option that can be used to store dishes, cookbooks, or other frequently used items.

Since counter space is limited in a tiny house kitchen, appliances that can perform multiple functions are a plus. For example, a toaster oven can be used to toast bread, bake cookies, or even roast a small chicken.

small tiny home


The Bedroom: Cozy Retreats for Restful Nights

The bedroom in the Nook on the Hill tiny house is a prime example of how to maximize space and create a cozy sleeping environment.

The most prominent feature of the bedroom is the platform bed. Platform beds are a popular choice for tiny houses because they provide extra storage space underneath. In the tiny house, you can see that the platform bed has drawers built underneath. These drawers can be used to store clothes, bedding, or other belongings.

small tiny home


The bed appears to be a queen-size mattress, which is a surprisingly spacious choice for a tiny house bedroom. However, by placing the bed on a platform and eliminating the need for a dresser, the homeowner has been able to create a comfortable sleeping area without sacrificing too much floor space.

The walls in the bedroom are painted a light color, which helps to make the space feel larger and more airy. There is a small window next to the bed, which allows for natural light and ventilation.

Optimizing Space in the Nook on the Hill Bathroom

The bathroom in the Nook on the Hill tiny house is a shining example of how to make the most of a limited amount of space.

The most prominent feature in the bathroom appears to be a composting toilet. Composting toilets are an environmentally friendly option that is often used in tiny houses because they don’t require a septic system. The small sink with a rounded faucet mounted on the wall occupies minimal space next to the toilet.

small tiny home


The shower appears to be a curbless walk-in shower with a shower curtain. This design saves space by eliminating the need for a shower door. A wall-mounted showerhead keeps the shower enclosure uncluttered.

The bathroom in the Nook on the Hill tiny house is well-designed and maximizes every inch of space. The use of a composting toilet, a small sink, a walk-in shower with a curtain, and light-colored fixtures and finishes all contribute to the efficient and stylish design of this tiny bathroom.

Explore more: House & Design

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