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The Little Tar-Covered Kitten Who Refused to Give Up

The Little Tar-Covered Kitten Who Refused to Give Up

Ashley, a tiny three-week-old kitten, found herself in a sticky situation – literally. She was discovered covered head to toe in tar, her eyes sealed shut, and her life hanging in the balance.

Local animal lovers rushed to her aid, naming her Ashley and whisking her away for emergency care. Her rescuer, Sandi Lawson, couldn’t believe someone would do such a cruel thing. It seemed someone had deliberately poured tar on the property, knowing kittens were there.

Source: CTV News

Ashley’s condition was critical. She spent 24 hours in the ICU, racking up a hefty $1,700 bill. But the community rallied around her, donating money and supplies to ensure she got the best care possible.

Janice Richard, Ashley’s foster mom, took on the messy task of removing the tar with pet-safe soap and mineral oil. Ashley endured it all like a champ, revealing her sweet personality and determination to survive.

Source: CTV News

Slowly but surely, Ashley recovered. She learned to walk again, her eyes opened, and her fur gradually returned to its fluffy glory. The long-term effects of her ordeal were uncertain, but she was a fighter.

Source: CTV News

Ashley’s story tugged at heartstrings. When a local TV station shared her tale, adoption applications poured in. But Ashley wouldn’t be separated from her siblings, Ty and Vanessa, who had also been affected by the tar incident.

Source: CTV News

That’s when Gerry and Joanne Drew entered the picture. They fell in love with Ashley and were thrilled to adopt all three kittens. Ashley, Ty, and Vanessa finally had a loving forever home.

Source: CTV News

Today, Ashley is a cuddle bug who loves being held and showered with affection. Her story is a testament to the resilience of animals and the kindness of strangers. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there’s always hope for a happy ending.

For More: Cat & Kitten